Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Salsa On Tap

Well, this rookie has been trying to learn salsa for a couple of months now and while my feet are still pretty rookie-ish, I've learned about tons of resources and events. There is no shortage of things going on in Atlanta for aspiring salseros.

http://www.SalsaATL.com is probably the best place to look.

You can also check out the Salsa Classes Calendar on the shared Google Calendar here:


Wow! That is a lot of stuff.

This past Saturday the monthly Salsa Swim took place at the Take Hold Ballroom on Miami Circle. That was a lot of fun. Monday I did another beginner lesson there with Jimmy Rumba and his wife instructing. This was definitely my best lesson yet.

This weekend the Georgia Tech Salsa Club has an event on Saturday all day and then a party at night.

If I can someday do half as well as this I think it will be well worth it:

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